Wednesday, August 4, 2010

President-Elect Harrison Interviewed by Reporter

Ever since Tuesday, July 13, the day on which the delegates at the LCMS National Convention elected Rev. Matthew C. Harrison to the office of Synodical President, the question most bantered around our synod has been:  What can Harrison do?  My answer to that has been rather simple:  He can simply be who he is.  He is a sinner redeemed by Christ.  He is a pastor, a theologian, and a man of mercy.  He is a Christian who subscribes unconditionally to our Lutheran Confessions.  He is a Lutheran, not only in name, but in confession and by conviction - a Lutheran who actually and honestly believes that being and remaining Lutheran is important.

What can Harrison do?  He can be himself.  He can speak like the Lutheran he is.  He can act like the Lutheran he is.  He can appoint other Lutherans to speak and act as the Lutherans they are.  That will do wonders for our synod, I think.  After all, Lutheranism is pretty cool stuff.  That whole "justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone" business is awesome.  The Gospel is superbly refreshing to sinners in desperate need of a Savior.  Lutheranism is where it's at!  Harrison can promote it by confessing it, by living it out, by teaching it, by practicing it, by encouraging it, and by appointing others to do the same.

After nearly a decade of having the doctrines and practices of Americanized Evangelicalism promoted from on high, it will be refreshing to this Lutheran to just hear and see Lutheranism promoted.  And, it will be good for our synod.  We are, after all, a Lutheran synod, and it will be meet, right, and salutary to have, well, Lutheranism promoted by our leaders.

That's what Harrison can do.  He can be the Lutheran he is.  If this interview is any indication of what we can expect in the future, I would say that President-elect Harrison is off to a good start and that we are in for a real treat with him at the helm.     


Dennis Peskey said...

Pr. Messer - I had a good laugh with the "herding cats" comment. I would suggest Pr. Harrison contact Pr. Wilken; he would be the most knowledgeable theologian in this endeavor. It is good to hear the words of a Pastor spoken from the Synodical offices again.

Rev. Thomas C. Messer, SSP said...

Yeah, "herding cats" would definitely be right up Pr. Wilken's alley. :) And, yes, it is wonderful to hear the words of a decidedly Lutheran pastor speaking from the Synodical offices again. Very refreshing, that!