Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The latest from . . .

Sarah's World Religions prof, per a text I received earlier from Sarah, which read:

"My religion prof just said, 'Some uptight and stubborn Christians still believe that the old, boring music should be a part of the liturgy.  But most faithful Christians realize that traditions change and so should music and liturgy with it.'" 

Hmmm, let's see what we've learned thus far:  1) Luther started the Reformation because he wanted to marry a nun; 2) Lutherans believe that only a literal 144,000 people will be saved; 3) Faithful Christians realize that traditions change and so should music and liturgy with it, among many other things (these are just the highlights).  A solid education being had there, for sure - NOT!  Sigh.


HappyFox said...


Dennis Peskey said...

Traditions change From what pit of sheol did this college extract this post-modernist? This man is actually a blessing to Sarah. One can read and study the foolishness of post-modernists till blue in the face; to be confronted directly by their babbling will erase all doubt of their intentions. Someone give this man a dictionary (tabbed at "tradition".)

Bethany said...

She should come to Aquinas College in Grand Rapids! My husband ( is teaching a class on Luther and Reformation here this spring. I'm currently teaching history of Christianity. She wouldn't be hearing that bizzaro stuff here. Alas, if it wasn't for the cost, we could probably have a lot more good students.

Bethany Kilcrease

Rev. Thomas C. Messer, SSP said...

Sarah told me that she and a few other students in the class had finally had enough and called this prof out during class. Not only has he been butchering history, but he has been going out of his way to paint Christianity in the worst possible light. He showed a couple of documentaries in class, which he claimed were representative of Christianity: 1) "Jesus Camp" (the one where the crazy people claiming to be Christians are seen filling the minds of children up with all sorts of nonsense); 2) A documentary on the pedophilia of Roman Catholic priests. The kids pointed out that he had simply summarized the teachings and history of other world religions, but has spent weeks slamming Christianity. He laughed them off, but at least they had their say. Sarah is doing her research paper on Luther's posting of the 95 Theses. Luckily, her dad has a great many resources for her to use. The main thrust of her paper will be to put down the ridiculous claim that Luther posted the 95 Theses because he wanted to marry a nun. She'll probably get a D. We'll see . . .