Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy B-day to . . .

my daughters, Kelsey, who turned 20 yesterday, and Sarah, who turns 18 tomorrow.  That must mean that I'm at least 30 by now, but I find that hard to believe. :)  Seriously, where in the heck does the time go?  I still remember thinking how silly it was when I heard adults say things like, "Life just flies by," but now I find myself saying the same things.  It simply seems impossible to be the father of two adults.  How did that happen?  And, my two youngest children aren't growing up any slower - Samantha will be 16 in April and Aaron will be 13 in May.  Unreal!  

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelsey and Sarah - now slow down a little bit, would ya? :)

Here's a couple of pics of the B-day girls, taken earlier today (first Kelsey, second Sarah - they'll LOVE that I posted these here! :)  


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