Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Matins

A small group at Matins this morning, but a most joyous way to begin this glorious Easter day nonetheless!  After speaking Matins all week, it was pure joy to sing it this morning.  St. John Chrysostom, a.k.a. "Golden Mouth," served as our preacher this morning.  Here is the Responsory (Easter) and the Homily (Propers used are listed below):

Psalm:  Ps. 139:1-2a, 8, 10; antiphon:  Ps. 139:18b, 5b, 6
Office Hymn:  LSB 475 "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing"
Old Testament Reading:  Isaiah 25:6-9
New Testament Reading:  1 Corinthians 15:1-11

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