Monday, March 29, 2010

Some Blogs to Follow . . .

for your Holy Week edification:

Cyberbrethren (Rev. Paul McCain has some great posts up already, and will continue to have them daily, I'm sure - I really like his Google Earth post of yesterday, which contains a link to an interactive map to track the events of Holy Week).

All for Hymn (Iggy Antiochus has posted, and will post, some awesome videos to watch as the week unfolds).

Gottesdienst Online (Fr. Curtis and company will be posting Holy Week poetry each day for our meditation). 

Weedon's Blog (A daily must read, not just during Holy Week, but all year round). 

Gottesblog (Fr. Eckardt posts his daily homilies to which you can listen)

I'm sure there are a plethora of other blogs I should mention, but these are just a few that I know will be featuring specific Holy Week meditations worth your while to visit this week. 

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