Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Godfather Returns

Little Abby, who was baptized last week, got to meet her godfather, Dave, for the first time today.  Dave has been working out of state for the past few months, but returned home a few days ago.  Here are a few pics of Abby with her mommy and daddy (Meggers and Chris) and her godparents (Carol and Dave) and her pastor (that'd be me).  Oh, and below the pics is a video of the theme music from "The Godfather," which some of us were humming around Dave this morning after Church (posted especially for those of you who amazingly didn't know what we were humming - I mean, really, come on!  It's "The Godfather," for crying out loud! :).

Abby is waving, "Hi," in this one! :)

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