Friday, August 26, 2011

President Harrison's Sermon . . .

at St. Paul, Hamel last Sunday, where he served as guest preacher and celebrant as the congregation celebrated the 25th anniversary of Pr. Weedon's ordination, is an excellent example of the kind of finger-pointing, "YOU!" preaching he has been promoting since taking the helm as our president last year.  You simply cannot escape from the damning Law he preaches in this sermon.  Your only hope is Jesus, who has fulfilled the Law in your place and paid the full price for all of your sins with His precious blood on the cross.  It is a perfect example of the kind of Law and Gospel preaching that should be heard every Sunday from all Lutheran pulpits, and it is evidence that our President not only talks the talk, but walks the walk, preaching what he exhorts all of us to preach.  What a blessing to have him leading our synod at this time. 

You can listen to the sermon here

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