Monday, August 30, 2010

Messer Weekend 2010

My vacation began with a wonderful weekend (August 13-15) spent with family and friends at our home.  It has become an annual tradition for us to host "Messer Weekend" at our place every August.  The tradition began five years ago when family and friends spent the weekend of my ordination/installation with us.  We decided then that it would be fun to get together like that for a weekend every summer, and we have done just that.  We greatly look forward to this weekend every year.  Family and friends bring their tents and campers and set up camp for the weekend on our property for three days of fun and fellowship.  Some like to come and just enjoy some rest and relaxation with loved ones; others like to engage in the many activities we have during the weekend, including horseshoe and poker tournaments, swimming, basketball, volleyball, golf in the backyard, good food, "Lutheran" beverages, and so forth.  It's a blast.  Here are a few of the hundreds of pics taken during "Messer Weekend 2010":

New this year:  Wine Tasting - it was a HUGE HIT! 

The "Gum in the Whip Cream" game - Teams are divided up; bubble gum is placed in whip cream on a plate; the first member of each team must get the gum out with their mouths (no hands), chew it, and blow a noticeable bubble, then the next team member goes, and so forth; the first team to finish wins!  It's a game for the kids, but some of the "big kids" couldn't help but participate! :)

"Craft Contest" - the kids were divided up into two teams and given a box of "junk" from which they had to create some piece of art - these are the two creations they came up with.

"Shuffle up and deal!" - the poker tables are ready for the first of many Texas Hold 'Em tourneys

"Horseshoe Champs!" - Sarah and I won the horseshoe tourny this year - teams are chosen by chance, the only exception being the defending champs from last year; everyone antes a whopping dollar and the champs take all.  Lots of fun.  Sarah and I look forward to defending our title next year! :)

And last, but certainly not least . . . 

My goofy Aunt Val thought it would be a good idea to combine "wine tasting" with volleyball - it wasn't! :)


Logan said...


The braces/supports on your wrists enables you to throw horseshoes straighter?

Rev. Thomas C. Messer, SSP said...


No, they simply enable me to throw horseshoes at all when my carpal tunnell is flared up as it was that weekend. :)

sag said...

Can I be a member of your family next year? Looks like fun!

Rev. Thomas C. Messer, SSP said...


You are more than welcome to join us next year, so long as you can put up with the wild "Messer" crew. :)

LambertsOnline said...

You can't go wrong with a Wine tasting! We've had it as a family tradition for several years.

Rev. Thomas C. Messer, SSP said...


Yeah, I don't know why we never did a wine tasting before, but I'm pretty sure it will be a regular feature from now on, as everyone really enjoyed it.